Best Buy Dates vs. Expiration Dates: Understanding the Difference on Food Products

Posted by Brittany Humphrey on

When you come accross one of our Clearance deals, you probably noticed the different dates. We offer clearance deals for our COmmunity as another way to help you all save money.

Among these dates, the most common ones are "Best Buy" dates and "Expiration" dates. While they may seem similar, understanding the distinction between the two is crucial for making informed decisions about food safety and quality. In this blog post, we'll explore the difference between Best Buy dates and Expiration dates, shedding light on what they really mean.

Best Buy Dates: Best Buy dates, also known as "Sell By" or "Best Before" dates, are indicators provided by manufacturers to suggest the timeframe during which a product is at its peak quality. These dates are primarily intended for retailers and are used to help ensure that consumers purchase products that offer the best sensory experience.

Key Points about Best Buy Dates:

  1. Quality Indicator: Best Buy dates are primarily about maintaining the product's quality rather than its safety.
  2. Product Freshness: Consuming the product before the Best Buy date ensures optimal taste, texture, and flavor.
  3. Safe to Consume: Consuming the product after the Best Buy date does not necessarily mean it is unsafe, but the quality may start to deteriorate.
  4. Trust Your Senses: Before consuming a product past its Best Buy date, use your senses to evaluate its appearance, smell, and taste. If it appears spoiled or has an off smell or taste, it's best to discard it.
  5. Best Buy dates are typically found on products such as canned goods, frozen foods, dry goods, and packaged snacks.

Expiration Dates: Expiration dates, also known as "Use By" dates, provide guidance on the last recommended date for consuming a product while ensuring both quality and safety. These dates are determined by manufacturers based on factors such as the product's ingredients, formulation, and anticipated shelf life.

Key Points about Expiration Dates:

  1. Safety Indicator: Expiration dates are designed to ensure consumer safety by indicating when a product may no longer be safe to consume.
  2. Critical Threshold: Consuming a product after the expiration date poses a greater risk of foodborne illness due to potential bacterial growth or spoilage.
  3. Discard after Expiration: It's advisable to discard products after their expiration date, even if they appear and smell fine.
  4. Perishable Products: Expiration dates are typically found on perishable items like dairy products, meat, poultry, and seafood.
  5. Storage Matters: Proper storage and handling practices can help extend the shelf life of a product, but it is still important to adhere to expiration dates.

 Understanding the distinction between Best Buy dates and Expiration dates empowers consumers to make informed choices regarding the quality and safety of food products. While Best Buy dates primarily focus on maintaining optimal quality, Expiration dates are crucial for ensuring food safety.

Clearance food that we offer through the Food and Meat Co-op is never expired! However, we do offer some clearance deals that are past the best buy dates. By understanding the difference you can safely purchase food from the Clearance/ Overstock collections as a way to help you save money on foods. 


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