1. What is the Food and Meat Co-op? 

We are a group made up of individuals, couples and families that want to eat well, save money and desire to support the local economy as much as possible while acquiring great deals in bulk foods. We do this with the power of collective group buying. By being a part of this concept, you unlock the ability to get more direct access to food and with that direct accessibility, comes the bonus opportunity to get great deals! 

In the end, a fun and accurate way to describe the co-op is like a mobile farmer's market, grocery pickup service and wholesale buying club in one! 

  1. How does the Food and Meat Co-op work?  

It's very simple! 

We are a direct-to-consumer wholesale group buying club for the local community, and primarily sell in bulk. We source foods of all kinds, primarily meats. We have NO brick and mortar shop, but instead work by pickup locations at different times in the month. We bring refrigerated trucks to your county on specific days/times/locations each month where you will need to meet this truck in the posted parking lot to pick up your order on site. 

  1. How can I order or be included in an upcoming food pickup? 

We have a sale each month on various foods. You can find our most popular products, our gluten-free foods and our organic line available each month.

Then each month includes a "theme" with specialty products only offered for that month.

Each sale is open for about 2-weeks before the pickup dates. You will want to secure your foods here on our website by ordering them in that 2-week window and select a pickup location that you intend to pick up at. 

Check out our open sale here!

  1. Where do the foods, produce and meats come from? Is everything local? 

Throughout the year, we have many bulk food buying opportunities, so we do not have a one-size-fits-all on this question. We do disclose as much information as we can on each individual product. So if there is a product you are looking at, you will want to read the details on that product page.  

However, this is our normal process for product procurement: 1. Sourcing 100% local from beginning to end is our top priority. 2. Sourcing from local producers or suppliers that may have aspects of their products or process that are outside of Utah, but still supports local business in some way. 3. Every once in a while, we get outside of Utah products entirely, but we still try to get them close over the borders of the neighboring states (we've done Idaho potatoes, Colorado produce, etc), but regardless, every product's distribution or process positively affects Utah businesses even if it is through a distributor, or a local co-op family business that is directly serving you or other family-based business in Utah. 

We strive diligently to work on bringing products that have the most overall benefit for our community, even if in terms of your budget and your personal family finances, which, in turn, has a great positive effect for our state. 

  1. Do your meats contain antibiotics, hormones, steroids or any other artificial ingredients? 

Thus far, we have been able to source meats that have no added hormones or steroids and are antibiotic free. In most cases, the meats are natural. Some meat products are seasoned or cured and in this process will have additional added ingredients. 

For specific information on each product, you will want to read the details of that product on its product page. 

Please note, quality and natural, in addition to as local as possible, are the top priorities in our meat sourcing. Exceptions can be made on special buying opportunities for products the group would like to bring in to buy at a group buying discount! 

  1. Do you have discounts? 

Yes! Out the gate, no matter what, you are saving between 20-50% on retail prices on every product we sell! The point of our co-op is to get really good food for cheaper. 

However, if you are asking about further discounts, there will be opportunities that arise, including overstocks where a local supplier has too much of something and will give us a bigger than normal discount. We pass those savings onto you and you will want to be on the newsletter and text message alerts to know when this happens as the supply generally goes FAST. 

You can also sign up to be a VIP member which brings an additional 5% discount! Sign up here!

  1. How can I help this co-op? 

It brings us so much joy to answer this question! And along with savings, comes the natural response of many to want to help the community as a whole! There are MANY ways that you can help our co-op, including volunteer help! 

To volunteer go HERE!

We also have a "Ways To Work With Us" page that includes a non-exhaustive list of current ways to be a part of this Good Food Movement! If you have additional ideas not listed (as we learn more each day) please reach out!

  1. How do I add to my order?

The way you add to your order is to place a new order.  We will connect the multiple orders on the back end.  If you are choosing home delivery, you only need to pay for home delivery once and then choose local pick-up for all subsequent orders and we will get them connected on the back end.

  1. How do I find the allergens?

You can find all allergens listed with each product.  If you still can't find the allergens, please reach out to us and we will do our best to provide them.

  1. Why can't I pick the date on the calendar for pickup/delivery?

During check out you will be prompted to choose either pick-up or Delivery                 

If you choose Delivery you will enter your zip code and it will show you the available date listed on the calendar for your area.  If you choose pick-up it will show you a drop down of locations, choose the location and date that works for you.

  1. What happens if I can't pick up my order?

Picking Up orders On Site are an important part of our process efficiency.

We need your help getting your order(s) picked up On Site.

Having said that, we understand there could be an emergency which prevents that from happening.

If you are unable to come in person, we recommend you try the following:

  • Send a friend, neighbor or family member to the pick up location
    • You can forward the reminder text to them so they’ll have the time and place
  • Contact your Site Lead directly and see if they can help
  • Switch the Pick Up to Delivery for the $7.99 fee if you are in the approved delivery area

If none of those options are put in place and you miss the designated Pick Up as a No Call/No Show, your order will be switched to the "Missed Pick Up Delivery" which is a $9.99 fee if you are in the approved delivery area.

Though we don’t ever want to see you miss out on the food order you’ve placed, if you need to cancel, please read through the Refund policy found here: https://foodandmeatcoop.com/policies/refund-policy then contact us at askcassie@foodandmeatcoop.com and let us know which refund option you choose.

Please note that we do everything in our power to make sure your customer experience is awesome.


  1. How do I see my order history?

You can find your order history by logging in to your account and clicking on "my account" at the top of the page. 

  1. Do any of your providers use mNRA vaccine? 

mRNA animal vaccines are not currently available on the open market or approved for use in the US. Vaccines currently approved for use in livestock do not contain mRNA technology.

   14. What if I am not satisfied with my order?

If you are not satisfied with your product, please send a picture and detailed description within 7 business days to askcassie@foodandmeatcoop.com


Don't see a question you have, answered above? Please email us at askcassie@foodandmeatcoop.com and send your question! We may even include it in our FAQ's in the future. :) 


Cassie and Team