The Food and Meat Co-op Family

Moms on a mission to feed Utah with good food deals direct from our local farmers and food sources! Food and Meat co-op has served hundred of families in Utah, bringing comfort and peace of mind.

Here is the Team that makes the Food and Meat Co-op run along with a few of our local farmers! 

Meet the Administration, Site Leads and some of our Farmers.



Cassie is originally from SE Idaho and has lived in Utah since 2001. She homeschools her 6 kids and when she isn't co-opping and homeschooling, she takes care of her family and home. Cassie is the blogger behind The Thrifty Couple - and co-author of The 2% Rule To Get Debt Free Fast book that has helped thousands of families overcome mountains of debt! 



Born and raised in Michigan, Brittany met her husband in Florida but settled in Utah when they got married in 2007. She and her husband are kept busy with their 3 children as they volunteer with a local Cub Scouts pack. Her family also strives to raise awareness about food allergies as 2 of her children suffer from them. In her spare time, she loves making crafts, painting, and traveling with her family. She is excited to help the Food and Meat Co-op grow as she works with the amazing team members. Read more here. 


Executive Assitant

Meet Chelsey!  Hello my name is Chelsey Macfarlane, I am the site lead in Brigham City.  I live in Brigham City with my husband and our 3 crazy kids. Chelsey is the Jackie of all needs. She helps the co-op where ever needed.  She started as a volunteer in 2020 and now is here to help you all experience the co-op. Read more about Chelsey here.


Site Lead Manager and Particpant Satisfaction

Hi I am Meri Jones, the site lead for Weber County. My family came to Utah in 2015 after my husband retired from the USAF and started working as a contractor at Hill AFB. I have three amazing children who I’m ridiculously proud of. I’ve been a customer of FAMC since the very beginning, and I’m happy to help this wonderful company connect our local community with the best deals ever! My favorite products are the gf pizza crusts (seriously chewy, like regular pizza!!), bacon rounds (well, anything bacon, really), and boneless/skinless chicken breasts. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the pickups every month!


Site Leaders:


Becki is the Site Lead for  Salt Lake County.  She covers both locations in the Salt Lake Area. She was a volunteer from nearly the beginning and volunteered for many, many months and then when we asked if she would be the site lead for Salt Lake area, she agreed without hesitation and so her duties from volunteer increased, but she has not missed a step, serves this community with grace, beauty and diligence. Read more about Becki Here!


My name is Sarah and I am your site lead for Davis County! Here’s a little about me. My husband and I just celebrated 8 years of marriage and have 3 hilarious little kids; 2 girls and a wild little boy. We also have a cat named Mud, a potbelly pig named Julia, and a handful of chickens. Read more about Sarah here!

Cassie Sanderson

Hi I am Cassie Sanderson, or C2, your site lead for Utah County! My husband and I are residents of Pleasant Grove and love our little town. We have 4 kids and love to go camping in the mountains and down to Lake Powell. In my spare time you can find me at my kids wrestling matches or watching my daughter perform on the high school drill team and whatever else the younger two kids are involved in. I have been in the paint construction industry for the past 13 years and have recently moved positions to office administration for a Custom Home Builder. I enjoy a lot of the food co-op products. It's hard to narrow it down to just one. I would have to pick out the top sirloin steak for the upcoming summer season. I look forward to seeing you at the Utah County pick up locations.

Lisa Park

My name is Lisa, and I am the site lead for Tooele. My husband and I have two girls and one boy, and we live in Stansbury Park.

 I love being a mom and taking care of my family, and you’ll find me running around to basketball games, dance classes, soccer practicestumbling, and piano. Read more about Lisa here!

 Meri Jones


 Hi! I’m Meri Jones, the site lead for Weber County. My family came to Utah in 2015 after my husband retired from the USAF and started working as a contractor at Hill AFB. I have three amazing children who I’m ridiculously proud of. I’ve been a customer of FAMC since the very beginning, and I’m happy to help this wonderful company connect our local community with the best deals ever! My favorite products are the gf pizza crusts (seriously chewy, like regular pizza!!), bacon rounds (well, anything bacon, really), and boneless/skinless chicken breasts. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the pickups every month!

Natalie Wall

I have been married for 18 years and have only lived in 3 homes in that time. Growing up with a military father, it is feels strange to be so stable. I call myself a Cheap Diva. I like quality products without spending the big bucks, which is why I like the coop so much. I like to keep my hand in many pots with the theory being that if I am busy I am out of trouble. It works *most* of the time! Pot #1: I have my Real Estate license and use it to help those I love find a good home without all the traditional fees. Being in charge of my own schedule also helps me avoid all the other pots from boiling over most of the time. Pot #2: I homeschool my 2 children. We started when they were in 1st and 3rd grades and now they are 10th and 12th graders. The final pay day is almost here! Pot #3: I love to cook and bake and end up spending most of my days in the kitchen. Pot #4: When not in the kitchen I am in my garage with all my power tools. I recently built a kitchen in my basement so I had an "appropriate" space for my freeze dryer. And I did the whole kitchen with brand new products for under $500. I did say I  was a Cheap Diva, right? Really, I just like to create whether it is in the kitchen, garage, or my garden (Pot #5). We also love to travel. I guess that’s my military roots coming through. Our favorite trips have been to Yellowstone, Hawaii, the Caribbean, Alaska, Chicago, and anywhere with a beach. OK, just anywhere. It’s always fun to get away. I have been ordering from the coop since the second month and started volunteering shortly after that. Most of my volunteer time has been in Orem. I am excited to meet everyone at the Spanish Fork and South location. Say "hi" at a pick up and I'll do my best to remember your name.


 Bennion Beef

In 1997, Alan and Elizabeth left the rat race and took over the family ranch which included living off-grid and 6 miles off the pavement at the foot of Greenjacket Hill near Vernon, Utah. Determined to restore the ranch, the family remodeled the house, rebuilt fences, plowed, planted, irrigated, bred, and calved-out cattle. They improved range for wildlife, especially the western Sage Grouse and were once named Ranchers of the Year by the Society for Range Management. Read more Here.

Lau Family Farm

The Lau family converted their 5th generation farm to raising 100% grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb. John's family had been raising sheep and cattle, along with small grains and hay, on the same land since the 1870's. They were the first generation facing the challenge of not being able to make a living from just farming if they stayed with conventional methods and conventional marketing.  


Lazy C Beef 

Scott and his family have been a part of  farming for several generations. They proud of the heritage that they have in working the land and producing amazing beef. The beef is all natural grass fed grass finished for our Co-op to enjoy. They are currently offering half shares of this delicious beef through the Co-op and we are so happy that we are able to enjoy the quality meat that the Lazy C Ranch has to offer. Read more about Scott here!



Windy Ridge Cattle

The Fuller family has lived in Cache Valley for decades. Braden was raised in Wellsville, attended high school at Mountain Crest, and now ranches in Hyrum.

He always dreamed of ranching and after years of an international career consulting government agencies and non-profits was able to return to Cache Valley and start his ranch in 2021.

We're located in the highlands at the south end of the valley. The ranch overlooks green, rolling hills, rivers, and the beautiful Hyrum Reservoir.

Read More about the Windy Ridge Farmers here!

Farmer Jared
Jared's land has been in his family for a 100 years. Recently, he has taken stewardship over the fields and is working to build them up using regenerative practices. Farmer Jared is notably skilled for growing the most beautiful, tender, and sweet cantaloupe that many have come to love in the valley. Additionally, he grows watermelons, honey dew, bell peppers, and hopes to continue to build up his crop diversities to provide for the co-op.

Farmer Kelly
Kelly works to grow our community's source for microgreens year round, bringing families across our co-op community fresh microgreens year round! Resident of Magna, UT and a huge co-op supporter, we are proud to offer his delicious organic microgreens to families. 




We are so grateful for the time and energy that Vanessa has put into the Co-op. We know the Food and Meat Co-op would not exist without her efforts to bring about the dream her and Cassie had. We wish her luck as she takes on new adventures with her family.