What is Beef Bacon? Newest Delicious Craze at the Co-op

Posted by Cassie Michael on

I am so excited to introduce the newest product to the co-op Beef Bacon! 

Both local beef bacon from our local Angus Beef Farmer and a second option of Uncured Beef Bacon. 

I have tried both and I must say that beef bacon as become one of my new favorite proteins...I LOVE bacon. I LOVE beef, now imagine combing the two into one epic tasty adventure. Pure food bliss!! 

What is Beef Bacon? 

Beef bacon is a type of bacon made from beef instead of pork. It is an alternative to traditional pork bacon and is typically made from cured and smoked beef belly or beef brisket. The process of making beef bacon is similar to that of pork bacon, where the meat is cured with a mixture of salt, sugar, and various spices, and then smoked to enhance the flavor.

Beef bacon offers an alternative to individuals who do not consume pork due to dietary, cultural, or religious reasons. It can also appeal to those who prefer the taste of beef over pork. The flavor and texture of beef bacon can differ from pork bacon, with some people describing it as having a slightly stronger and meatier taste. It can be used in similar ways as pork bacon, such as in sandwiches, salads, or as a topping for various dishes.

It's worth noting that while beef bacon is a popular alternative, there are also other types of bacon made from non-pork sources, such as turkey bacon, chicken bacon, or even plant-based bacon substitutes.

What Cut of Beef Is Used To Make Beef Bacon?

Beef bacon can be made from various cuts of beef, but the most common cuts used are beef belly and beef brisket. These cuts are known for their high fat content, which contributes to the flavor and texture of the beef bacon. The fat marbling in these cuts helps to achieve the desired richness and juiciness in the final product.

Beef belly, also known as beef navel or plate, is the equivalent of pork belly and is commonly used in the production of beef bacon. It is a fatty and flavorful cut that is often cured and smoked to create a bacon-like product.

Beef brisket, which comes from the chest area of the cow, is another popular choice for making beef bacon. It is a well-marbled and tender cut that can be sliced into strips, cured, and smoked to create a bacon substitute.

The choice of cut may vary depending on regional preferences, availability, and personal preferences of the producer or consumer. Different cuts of beef can result in slightly different flavors and textures in the final beef bacon product.

What Does Beef Bacon Taste Like?

The taste and flavor of beef bacon can vary depending on the specific cut used and the curing and smoking process employed. However, in general, beef bacon tends to have a distinct and robust flavor compared to traditional pork bacon. Here are some characteristics often associated with beef bacon:

  1. Meatiness: Beef bacon has a strong, meaty flavor that is reminiscent of beef. It can have a rich and savory taste that appeals to those who enjoy the distinctive flavor of beef.

  2. Smokiness: Like pork bacon, beef bacon is often smoked during the curing process. The smoky flavor adds depth and complexity to the overall taste. The intensity of smokiness can vary depending on the smoking method and duration.

  3. Saltiness: Beef bacon is typically cured with a mixture of salt and spices, which contributes to its salty taste. The level of saltiness can be adjusted based on personal preference or the specific curing recipe used.

  4. Umami: Beef bacon can have a pronounced umami flavor, thanks to the natural glutamates present in beef. This adds a savory, satisfying taste to the bacon.

  5. Texture: The texture of beef bacon can also differ from pork bacon. It tends to be slightly leaner and firmer, with less fat content. However, the fat marbling in the beef cuts used for bacon helps to provide juiciness and succulence.

Overall, beef bacon offers a unique alternative to pork bacon, providing a strong and meaty flavor profile with a hint of smokiness. It's important to note that individual preferences for taste can vary, so it's always best to try it firsthand to determine if it aligns with your personal palate.

And not only do we provide this unique and delicious product, we offer it for MUCH LESS than anyone else (if you can find it). Typically, it is between $20-$25 per lb, but the co-op has it for 40-50% off at any given time it is offered! 



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