Why you need the NEW Food and Meat Co-op App on your phone!

Posted by Cassie Michael on

We are so excited to share that the Food and Meat Co-op now has an app! 

This has been a goal for many months! We love that we get to work with local farmers, suppliers and businesses and in turn, we get to have this cool projects completed that benefit the economy of our local area, one that becomes a blessing and help for those that provide the food to our community, but then also makes it easier and more beneficial for you as a participant or VIP Insider's Members into our co-op. 

Why We Created an App

There are several reasons why it became obvious an app was needed! Trying to communicate with everyone has been the biggest obstacle. Between email, text, and social media, we had communications going all over the place, so this caused not only a lot of frustration for you all (trying to keep up and anxiety that you were missing something) but it was also that way for us! 

Texting and the app WILL BECOME the only places to be consistently informed. We only text updates 2-4 times a month so although this is intended to be the primary form of communication, it's only the absolute highest bit of information needed. 

So the app becomes the one consistent place that will house the most recent and relevant information so you don't miss anything. 

But there are other reasons too:

1. Communication and products all in one place.  Additionally, we have been relying on Facebook and they only show you selective information. One of the only complaints we have gotten is missing our posts and announcements and we have zero control over this on Facebook, so we are trying to take back control of our communication with you! 

2. So YOU don't miss sales, product releases, hot deals, limited quantity and other food sources that become available at any given time. 

3. That AMAZING LIVE food clearance show that we plan to do monthly (it may become more frequent, but the two of us can only handle once a month right now). If you don't know what this is...YOU ARE MISSING OUT! ;) Download that app and watch a past show to see just how cool it really is! 

4. Future and soon coming features like: recipes, cooking shows, guest chefs, product unboxing, farm tours, local farmer and supplier interviews and more that allow us to connect you even closer to your food sources beyond just supporting these local and US based businesses. 

5. To earn FREE FOOD with our "give back" referral program! Details below! 

This is PHASE #1 of the App

Right now, when you download the app, it is the basic rollout. Much of what we want to accomplish with this will be done on this first rollout of the app. If we rolled out with everything we wanted from day #1, it would be a long time before the app came out. 

So here's the things you will not be able to do right now:

1. If you are VIP Insider's any regular co-op offering, you will want to order through FoodandMeatCoop.com website still. The app isn't programmed yet to take any discounts for our VIP Insider's members. However, the overstocks and clearances listed in the available foods section and the clearance and overstock on the live sale can be purchased through the app because there are no additional discounts on those. And you will want to pay attention to those clearances and overstocks because in most cases, it may be the only place to purchase it as anything with less than 100 in quantity do not go on the website as they sell out too fast, so the limited supply is for the app moving forward. 

2. All orders are documented on your account through the website. However, only purchases made through the app or live sales are documented in both places right now - any order you place on the website will not show up in your app account.  So you will want to default to your account at FoodandMeatCoop.com to see your full order history. The purpose of this app is about community connection, communication and the fun stuff. We didn't have it created for order or account management since the website already does this. 

3. Live chat outside of a live video. This is coming NEXT, we will have chat capability available soon so you can chat directly with us through the app (it doesn't mean that the two of us will be available 24/7, but it's a step in the right direction to reach us!). 

How to Download the app

1. If you are an Apple user, download the app HERE. 

2. If you are an Android/Google user, download the app HERE.

3. Once you download, you can use your Facebook, Apple or Google account to login; OR you can register and have a login for this app that is not connected to any of the other platforms. 

4. After you are logged in, head to your "account" button on the bottom right and click on "notifications" and make sure all notifications are on. You want this on so you can be informed when live sales start but also anything else! 

 How to EAT FOR an EVEN BIGGER Discount!! 

We have an amazing community that loves their fellow neighbor by sharing in the good deals. It's how we have been able to grow and make changes that get better and better. 

As such, we wanted to create a way to "give back" to you for sharing the co-op love with your friends, family, neighbors, groups and communities with our give back referral program that is available ONLY in the app. 

Each referral you send to the app that participates in the co-op by making a purchase, you will receive $3 added to your account EVERYTIME! Then you can cash this out to use as payment towards purchases you make in the app!*

To do this, head to your account section in the app and click on "share and refer" and copy that link. It is a coupon code for anyone you refer. They get $3 off with your coupon code and you get $3 credit when they do! They need to use the coupon code at checkout. ;) 

When you click on share and refer, this screen will pop up that will allow you to share on many platforms (or copy the link and paste wherever you want). 

Just be sure to tell your friends to use that coupon code of random letters that is autogenerated to track for you. 

Here's an example of where I chose my email platform and it fills it all in automatically! You can type an additional personal message you want. 

*If you are a VIP and want to apply referral credit to a regular order on the website, reach out to us at twomoms@foodandmeatcoop.com and we can convert that to website cash for our VIPs only. 

Let us know your thoughts on this NEW app and this new way to communicate and be a close-knit food community! Leave a comment below!  

1 comment

  • Help I am not getting how to get the app. I click on it but looks like it wants me to open or choose a app?

    Ann Pena on

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