Donations to Food and Meat Coop to provide food for the Lantern House, a homeless shelter in Ogden,Utah

Regular price $5.00

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We have been given a unique opportunity to help A local homeless shelter in Ogden, Utah! 

The donations made here will ensure that Cassie will be able to donate food to feed the homeless during this holiday season!  If you choose to make a donation you will receive an email receipt so that you can use this donation as a tax write off. 

 A local community member has issued a challenge for our Community! He has reached out and told us that he would match all donations  (up to $1,500).  So if we in total put in $1500 then he would put in $1500 also... and with that money, we would buy meat and food to donate it to The Lantern House shelter in Ogden.

As we have seen in the past when we are able to raise that much money Cassie can in turn buy so much more food for this shelter with our group buying power! This Giving Tuesday help us reach this goal! 

The Mission of Lantern House:

Lantern House exists to aid the poor, needy, and homeless by providing them food, shelter, and critical emergency services. We provide a hand up rather than a hand out. Our goal is to transition residents from shelter to housing; encouraging their sense of independence, self-sufficiency, and self-confidence. We are committed to carry out this mission while treating those who come to us with compassion, dignity, and respect.

 To learn more about the Lantern House click here!