VIP Annual Membership

Sale price $39.00 Regular price $99.00

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Becoming a VIP Insider at the Food and Meat Co-op has many extra benefits that are worth getting excited about! 

All participants in our co-op are welcome to order the current offerings at the current bulk, co-op prices, but for those that would like to become a VIP Insider member of our community, you will receive extra benefits! 

About our VIP Insider's Membership:

You can upgrade your participation at any time to a VIP Insider's annual membership. For dues of only $39 per year, you become a VIP Insider and you receive extra benefits that is only found with a paid membership. These benefits include but are not limited to: 

  • 5% discount on all orders* made directly with the co-op
  • Get early ordering privileges. The foods we procure at rock bottom prices are sometimes in very limited quantities and sell out in less than 24 hours. As a paid member, the sale FIRST opens to members ONLY for the first 24 hours, which means that you can often be the only ones to get some foods! This gives you greater food security! 
  • No quantity limits! Because we do run out of selection, we allow our members to not have any limits on their orders. This also means we do sell out faster in that first 24 hours. 
  • Private Sales! Throughout the year, we will have private sales that are only available for VIP Insider's (like December!).
  • First dibs on produce! We often have bulk, fresh produce available for purchase on site. Members receive the opportunity to "pre-claim" what produce they want and we set that aside for you at pickup. Normally, our regular participants shop produce on site at the meat pick ups based on "first come, first served." Produce quantities can vary greatly and so we want to make sure our paid members are taken care of first and to the best of our abilities. 
  • Enjoy the express lane at pickup! As a paid member, you will find special pickup lines that are designated for paid members to be in and out of pickup quick! Think of this as the "fast pass" lane. 
  • Be the first in the know and voice your opinion! We are a community that makes decisions that are in the best interest for the community to procure the best deals on all foods all around. As such, as a paid member, you will be given the ability to share your thoughts on new products and the votes of our paid members weigh heavier then the general consensus! 
  • Extra bonuses throughout the year! You may find some little surprises and extra bonuses for our paid members as a way to say "thank you" for being an integral part of our community! 

Why do you have paid memberships? 

We are a cooperative and we are open to the public to be able to help the community at large where we live and do business here in the state of Utah.

However, much of our food deals and meat deals are negotiated and based on how many "committed" members of the community we have. The more numbers we add to that list of paid members, the more negotiating power, the lower prices and the more selection of meats, produce and foods we can offer to our community. This is of massive benefit to the families in our state all around, but due to your commitment to our co-op, and because you are increasing our buying and negotiating power as a collective group, you will receive extra benefits for doing so. 

Additionally, we are a self-funded, community-based operation and membership dues help us cover immediate expenses so that we can keep our overall prices low for all. But for those members, we give you back your membership value in savings and perks throughout the year that go beyond the value of the one-time annual fee! 

Do I have to commit to minimum orders to be a paid member? 

Absolutely not! You are free to order as often as you would like with no quantity limits. 

Membership gives you the freedom to cash in on the benefits as often as you would like! 

How much does the average paid member save? 

Aside from the valuable non-monetary benefits listed above and surprises to be released, most members end up saving an additional $90 on their food per year. Of course, this is all based on how much of your food buying you decide to do through the official co-op orders. So if most of your meat and produce purchases throughout the year are made through the co-op, this will increase your overall savings. 

Are there any hidden fees with a paid membership? 

No, the price of $39 is all you will pay once per year.

We do have it set for automatic renewal in 365 days from original sign-up so your benefits don't lapse and any accrued benefits do not expire, but you can cancel before annual dues are due in your account at any time during the year.

*In some cases, there is $$ off discounts on products like whole cows and whole pigs instead of the 5%.  Additionally, there are occasions in which we are offered food at a loss to the supplier called "overstock" items because the farmer/supplier/producer has a surplus on hand and they need to clear this product out quickly. Due to this, these overstock prices are already at the lowest possible prices and no additional discounts are taken on those marked as overstock.